Sep 09 2023

StandBy Support After Suicide ‘Creating Hope Through Action’ -This World Suicide Prevention Day

Sunday September 10, is a day to remember the lives lost to suicide, and to unite in hope, and commitment to working towards a world without suicide. The International Association for Suicide Prevention’s (IASP) triennial World Suicide Prevention Day theme is Creating Hope Through Action.

Australia’s leading suicide postvention program, StandBy Support After Suicide (StandBy), is committed to delivering the best postvention support for those bereaved and impacted by suicide in Australia.

StandBy General Manager Amanda Glenwright said StandBy is committed to enhancing the work of the national suicide postvention service to better support all Australians bereaved and impacted by suicide.

“For each precious, individual life lost to suicide, we know that there may be are up to 135 people impacted, and more than 10 people significantly impacted. This is why StandBy exists,” Ms Glenwright said.

“Thanks to additional funding under the bilateral agreements, StandBy is innovating and enhancing our service offerings by adding Specialised Suicide Bereavement Counselling and a Lived Experience Peer Workforce in the States and Territories who co-funded Suicide Postvention: New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland and Victoria.

“We’re also exploring ways to better work alongside and support First Nations’ Communities to provide tailored support to suit individual community needs. Part of this new funding will see a collaboration in the Northern Territory to work alongside Aboriginal Medical Services Alliance Northern Territory (AMSANT) and the Northern Territory Government to ensure culturally suitable support for those who choose to use StandBy, amongst the many communities that AMSANT represents. We also work closely with Thirrili to ensure strong, collaborative service delivery for the people we support.

“And, we’re dedicated to continual improvement by checking in and listening to the voice of lived experience and our valuable partner agencies that help deliver the program nationally, we’re taking action to evaluate and enhance our services. Most recently we have co-designed a Lived Experience Framework to inform how we onboard and support our valued Lived Experience and Peer Workforce,” Ms Glenwright said.

“The Specialised Bereavement Counselling service will provide additional, enhanced support to those significantly impacted by suicide in New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, and Victoria. Backed by substantial research, specialised counseling services are a vital resource for individuals impacted or bereaved by suicide, equipping them with essential support and tools to effectively address their unique challenges and navigate their path forward.

“There will be an additional service offering of a Lived Experience Peer Workforce in New South Wales, the Northern Territory, Queensland, and Victoria. Incorporating Lived Experience Peer Workers into a suicide postvention model not only enhances its effectiveness but also provides invaluable empathetic support and relatability to individuals impacted by suicide, fostering a stronger connection and a sense of empowerment.

The services are being implemented in the 2023/24 financial year and can be accessed by reaching out to StandBy on 1300 727 247, who will connect people with the most appropriate supports for them.

“We believe the enhancements add significant value to the program as well as provide a variety of supports that reflect an individual’s diverse and changing needs. With demand for support continually increasing, we are committed to developing new ways to better support those that that need our services,” Ms Glenwright said.

“We firmly believe that all Australians should have universal and equitable access to post suicide support and our hope is that these new support service can one day be accessible to all Australians.

“We’re committed to providing more culturally suitable supports and working in priority populations, where we know there is higher risk, to tailor our resources to better meet the needs of the diverse communities we support.”

World Suicide Prevention Day is also an important time to remember the family, friends and communities impacted by suicide loss and the suicide prevention services and staff who worked tirelessly.

StandBy Lived Experience Coordinator Jo Langford believes it’s important for all communities to take a moment to reflect on the lives lost to suicide, and to support those bereaved and impacted by suicide loss.

“We know each life lost to suicide is a life that was loved, and will be missed, and we acknowledge and support the families, friends and communities impacted. We know that by enhancing our Lived Experience Workforce within StandBy we are better able to be provide the support that authentically meets the needs of the community,” Ms Langford said.

World Suicide Prevention Day is also a time to check in on those around you and to encourage conversations of support and to promote help-seeking. For immediate support phone Lifeline on 13 11 14 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. If you or someone you know are in immediate danger, phone 000 for Emergency Services.

StandBy an initiative funded by the Australian Government. StandBy is a program of Youturn Limited.



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M:  0475 577 711


QIP Accredited Logo

StandBy is QIP Accredited as an organisation. Implemented by Suicide Prevention Australia and assessed by independent, not-for-profit accreditation provider, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program supports organisations to deliver safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs.


StandBy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. Our staff recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and their continuing connection to land and water, and pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.


Our organisation is a place where human rights are respected and people of diverse genders and sexual orientation are welcomed and supported.

StandBy – An initiative jointly funded by the Australian Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76. In case of an emergency, call 000.

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