National Representative Group

StandBy ensures that organisational direction is underpinned by a combination of lived experience, service provision partners and the StandBy National team. To fulfil our strategic ‘shared’ direction priority, StandBy has established a jointly owned national governance structure.

The purpose of the National Representative Group is to collaborate with StandBy National on the implementation of the StandBy Program Strategy including supporting service sustainability, national expansion, and quality improvements.

The core functions of the National Representative Group is to:

  1. Support and monitor the implementation of the StandBy Program Strategy
  2. To collaborate with StandBy on advocacy activities that sustain and expand StandBy’s postvention services in Australia
  3. Support improvements in the quality and effectiveness of StandBy consistent with the StandBy Program Strategy
  4. Advise on the development of national systems of governance and operations supporting the fidelity of the StandBy model
  5. Advise StandBy National on general program management and service delivery issues and to work collaboratively on solutions to common challenges
  6. Facilitate increases in evidence-informed and evidence-based practice, lived experience participation and service responsiveness to priority populations in the delivery of StandBy
  7. Identify and advise on potential opportunities for diversification of service offerings
QIP Accredited Logo

StandBy is QIP Accredited as an organisation. Implemented by Suicide Prevention Australia and assessed by independent, not-for-profit accreditation provider, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program supports organisations to deliver safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs.


StandBy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. Our staff recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and their continuing connection to land and water, and pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.


Our organisation is a place where human rights are respected and people of diverse genders and sexual orientation are welcomed and supported.

StandBy – An initiative jointly funded by the Australian Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76. In case of an emergency, call 000.

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