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Western Australia


We help people, families and communities who have lost loved ones, friends or colleagues to suicide or a critical incident resulting in death.

StandBy supports people and communities affected by suicide recently and in the past. Therapeutic, psychosocial education and other activities are provided to strengthen individual and community capabilities, wellbeing and resilience. The service has established a reference group and inter-agency partnerships to improve the delivery of our service.

The service is available in The West Kimberley including Broome, Derby, Fitzroy Crossing and provides outreach to other towns and remote Aboriginal communities on an as-needed basis. Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.


Coordinator Rachele Carroll

Phone 1300 727 247

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We help people, families and communities who have lost loved ones, friends or colleagues to suicide or a critical incident resulting in death.
StandBy supports people and communities affected by suicide recently and in the past. Therapeutic, psychosocial education and other activities are provided to strengthen individual and community capabilities, wellbeing and resilience. The service has established inter-agency partnerships to improve the delivery of our service.

The service is based in Karratha and provides support across the Pilbara including outreach to remote Aboriginal communities on an as-needed basis. Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.


Coordinator Liam Sorrell

1300 727 247

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South West

StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide. This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The South West (WA) StandBy service is delivered across the whole South West region - from Waroona in the north across to Boyup Brook in the east and down to Pemberton in the south.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in Bunbury for over 20 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time. Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.

South West
South West

Coordinator Hayley Harris

1300 727 247

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Perth Metropolitan – South

StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide. This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The Perth Metropolitan StandBy service is delivered across the whole Perth metropolitan region, from Yanchep in the north across to Mundaring in the east and down to Pinjarra in the south.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in Perth for over 40 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time. Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.



Perth Metropolitan – South
Perth Metropolitan – South

StandBy Coordinator Sita Wong

1300 727 247

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Great Southern

StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide.  This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The Great Southern StandBy service is delivered from Walpole to Ravensthorpe, to Hyden,  Kondinin and across Brookton including all communities within.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in the Great Southern region for 20 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time.   Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.

Great Southern
Great Southern

Coordinator Susan Miles

1300 727 247

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StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide.  This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The Goldfields StandBy service is delivered across the whole Goldfields region from Esperance in the south up to the border with Northern Territory in the north and with South Australia to the east.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in the Goldfields for many years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time.   Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.



StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in the Wheatbelt region Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide.  This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in the Great Southern region for 20 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time.   Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.


Coordinator Susan Miles

1300 727 247

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Mid West & Gascoyne

StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in the Mid West & Gascoyne region Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide.  This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in the Great Southern region for 20 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time.   Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.

Mid West & Gascoyne
Mid West & Gascoyne

Coordinator Sarah Collins

1300 727 247

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Perth Metropolitan – North

StandBy Support After Suicide is delivered in Western Australia by Anglicare WA, providing practical support for people, families and communities who have lost loved ones or friends to suicide. This service is free of charge and provided at a time and place that best suits those who request support. We also provide workshops and training to enhance community understanding and skills in supporting people bereaved by suicide.

The Perth Metropolitan StandBy service is delivered across the whole Perth metropolitan region, from Yanchep in the north across to Mundaring in the east and down to Pinjarra in the south.

The service benefits from Anglicare WA’s experience in delivering community services in Perth for over 40 years and its network of partnerships with local services and community groups built over this time. Anglicare WA is a leading not-for-profit organisation and provides around 80 different types of social service across Western Australia, supported by more than 600 staff and 200 volunteers.

Perth Metropolitan – North
Perth Metropolitan – North

Coordinator Abuk Reech

Phone 1300 727 247

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QIP Accredited Logo

StandBy is QIP Accredited as an organisation. Implemented by Suicide Prevention Australia and assessed by independent, not-for-profit accreditation provider, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program supports organisations to deliver safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs.


StandBy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. Our staff recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and their continuing connection to land and water, and pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.


Our organisation is a place where human rights are respected and people of diverse genders and sexual orientation are welcomed and supported.

StandBy – An initiative jointly funded by the Australian Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76. In case of an emergency, call 000.

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