StandBy Evaluation Study 2024: Lessons Learnt from StandBy Experiences

Have you engaged with StandBy Support After Suicide?

Do you have 30 minutes to share your experiences as part of an evaluation of StandBy?

StandBy National invites you to participate in the StandBy Evaluation Study 2024.


StandBy Support After Suicide is currently undertaking an evaluation to better understand the experiences of support provided by the service. People bereaved by suicide have valuable insights and experiences. We are looking to explore this knowledge and experience in a new evaluation of StandBy. Whilst StandBy has funded this project, the evaluation is being undertaken by an external researcher, Professor Myf Maple. Dr. Maple is a leading suicide postvention researcher and evaluator with more than twenty years of experience examining risk and resilience for those impacted by suicide loss.

What will the study focus on?

The study aims to gain insight into your experiences with StandBy. Your feedback will help us identify who is receiving the support they need and where we can make improvements to better serve our community. People who use our services are the experts we want to talk to in order to inform this evaluation.

Who can participate?

Dr. Maple is looking to talk to individuals who have used StandBy services. You may have spoken to one of our StandBy support workers, peer workers, counsellors or you may have called us on our 1300 phone service, or you may have been involved in a community session with StandBy. No matter what contact you have had with StandBy, we are keen to hear from you. Individuals must be over 18 years old.

What does the study involve?

What does the study involve? The study will involve a 30 minute, one-on-one interview with Dr. Maple via Google Meet (an online video platform) or phone. The interview will be an informal discussion where you can discuss your experiences with StandBy.

Am I ready to be involved in research?

Your experience of losing someone to suicide can be a powerful contribution to suicide research. The most important consideration, however, is that you feel you are ready and that your participation is a positive experience. After reading this document, we encourage you to work through the questions in the hyperlinked document ‘“Readiness to be involved in research’ or visit the Roses In the Ocean website

Will my information be confidential?

All information will be kept confidential. Your information will be securely stored by Dr. Maple using multi-factor authentication. StandBy, Youturn and our partner organisations will not be provided with any identifiable information regarding who participated or what was said during the interviews. All recordings will be destroyed on 31 December 2024. No identifying information will be kept, and you will not be identified in any reporting to StandBy.

I am only available outside of business hours, can I still participate?

Yes, the study has interview appointment times available in business hours and outside business hours.

Is participation voluntary?

Please understand that your involvement in this study is voluntary and we respect your right to stop participating in the study at any time without consequence and without needing to explain. This includes mid-way through the interview if you wish. Please note, however, that once you join the interview the information that you have already provided cannot be withdrawn.

How do I participate?

If you are interested in participating, please visit this link to book an interview time.

Social media research QR code

How do I find help if I need it?

For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76. In case of an emergency, call 000.

How do I find out further information?

If you have any additional questions, please contact Dr. Maple via email to

QIP Accredited Logo

StandBy is QIP Accredited as an organisation. Implemented by Suicide Prevention Australia and assessed by independent, not-for-profit accreditation provider, Quality Innovation Performance Limited (QIP), the Suicide Prevention Accreditation Program supports organisations to deliver safe, high-quality and effective suicide prevention and postvention programs.


StandBy acknowledges the Traditional Custodians of the land on which we work and live. Our staff recognise the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community and their continuing connection to land and water, and pay respect to their elders past, present and emerging.


Our organisation is a place where human rights are respected and people of diverse genders and sexual orientation are welcomed and supported.

StandBy – An initiative jointly funded by the Australian Commonwealth, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland and Victorian Governments.

For immediate crisis support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or QLife on 1800 184 527 or on 13 92 76. In case of an emergency, call 000.

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